Sunday, September 7, 2008

Garage Sale Heaven

We went garage sailing (sailing - cause we are that cool) on Saturday. The girls pulled all the silver coins from their piggy banks and the $1 earned this week via the aforementioned chore chart.
We headed to a community garage sale and we were able to park and just walk house to house. To the kids this was the eqvalent to trick or treating. Garage salers (we being the party referred to garage salees) have a soft heart for mismatched dressed and uncombed hair little girls. Morgan typically never spends a dime and all the Garage Salers tell her whichever item she has her eyes set on is free! I don't know how she does it.
I made out like a bandit as well. I spent $14 and got a computer desk in like new condition ($5), 2 metal file cabinets ($5), 3 candle sticks ($1), a old picture frame ($2), and 3 nice gift boxes ($1).
I spent an hour and redid the candle sticks to match my dining room table. The legs of our table are black and a little distress looking. I was impressed with my $1 purchase.


Heather's Pink said...

Nice finds! We found a bike for Synnova last weekend for $5. All it needed was some oil and a new seat (which we took off her old bike) and it was just like new. She has been riding it every day this week. Have to love those bargains!

Heather's Pink said...

Even better, Saturday we got the ultimate white elephant-ninja shoe spikes. (two pairs, his and hers) There was a whole table of ninja gear. I think they belonged to the 250 lbs middle aged guy who lived there. I could see why there still in the box. I don't think he could bend over to tie them onto his feet.

jessica said...

Nice finds...both of you!!