Thursday, December 17, 2009

the countdown for the arrival of...

Met with my Dr. today and she was able to take into consideration the holidays with the arrival of our new we are planning for a delivery on Dec 22nd (sharing a b-day with Uncle Matt!) if not before.
We will keep you updated and post some pics!


Monday, December 14, 2009

Emily's Piano Recital

Emily recently had her piano recital. She played "Oh Christmas Tree". Morgan apparently was having her own humming recital during Emily's number. But we had heard the song so often at home, I can't really get too upset with Morgan.

She did really well, and played the whole number without her sheet music. I think she has Gramma Raine's long fingers and is able to play really well. She isn't afraid to play loudly either :)

Good Job Emily!

Happy Thanksgiving - sorry it took so long to upload these