Wednesday, March 26, 2008


I have listed the other siblings' blogs on the right hand column so that we can all jump around and see what folks are doing.
I am glad to see that everyone is branching out and exercising their creative juices and keepin it real.
If anyone else has a site, let me know and I will add it.



heatlight said...

I'm not seeing the blog list. Do you know I have one? Is that where you got the cool background?? How are things as a single mom?

SarahPyrah said...

weird, they were there. I am updating them now.
Miss Chris bunches. But staying busy packing and swatting kids :)
wanna come for a visit?

katblat said...

ahhh yes....single motherhood. I've been doing it for 3 years now. Stinks, eh?

I've given up on swatting kids. I go for the wooden spoon. It's SOOOOO much more rewarding to hear them squeal. *wicked snicker*

KIDDING NANA!!! (the kids couldn't tell you the last time they'd been spanked if you paid them. Ohh...never mind...they'd lie to make a buck)