Monday, March 31, 2008

starting to feel out numbered

I wonder how the Chinese felt when the Huns were coming down the mountain...or the English when they saw the Spanish Armada....
but I think I am beginning to understand....
Today begins week 2 of Chris' work in Reno. I am doing better than I though I might. No nervous breakdown or turning to liquor.

But today I started to realize that I am out numbered. The girls came home from school and the barrage of questions, comments and nonsensical talk - Boom , bam, blammy, after time to breath...must catch each comment....
Then we arrive home and the snack invasion begins. Cookies or chips or apple or "we don't have anything good", some ice water, followed by questions of "what's for dinner" ( in 2 more hours) and "will I like it?" "what's that", "why do we have to have that".
A small breath as we head into homework, reading, biking riding, TV break and then Dinner.
Wait, that wasn't a break, some one sold me false goods on that one.

Then to the store, need some milk, diaper rash ointment, "no you don't need a candy bar", "no we aren't buying a Hannah Montana purse", ohhhh candles....

And amidst all this I am trying to complete a spreadsheet for quarterly revenue, answer emails and answer instant messages....

But now it is 8:25pm. The children are in bed, it is quiet...too quiet.
Is this victory or just a break until it all begin tomorrow?

Like I said I doing better than I thought I would. I am missing my better and much loved half, but I am not dead yet and what doesn't kill me or drive me insane will make me stronger.

lots of love

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