Sunday, October 21, 2007


Sometimes parents can be too overzealous in talking up what their kids have done. Sometimes they aren't supportive enough and their kids think they don't care. But what do you do when you want to be supportive of your kids even when they do things beyond the edge of reason?

Yesterday, I went to check on Hudson, (Who has been learning to use the big-boy potty) who had been in the bathroom just a bit too long for a #1. When I opened the door (first clue something was amiss, he closed the door), he leaped up from the toilet, arms, face and chest completely soaking wet. I wasn't sure what to think so I busted up laughing and walked back out (Insensitive, I know but what can you do?). He was still shaken up from getting 'caught' and just stood there soaked. I went back in and plopped him in the shower just in case the water wasn't as clean as it looked.
Now... this isn't a new thing for him. He's been caught giving himself swirlies (he likes to hear the echo his voice makes when his head is in there) and swatting at his pee stream when ever he gets a chance (meaning, when no one is watching). But this time took it to a whole new level.
I guess I brought this on myself; I knew my progeny didn't have a fighting chance from this type of stuff.

But what do you do when your out among the other 50 parents with kids your same age (this is Utah, remember)? Someone will start with: "Little bobby just memorized the constitution last week", and then someone else adds, "Little Suzy just ran her first triathlon, and took second".

"Little Hudson successfully peed on four different household appliances with no hands" automatically puts him on the 'do not date my daughter in 13 years' list.

So when people ask me what's new with my kids I tell them "nothing to report" and quickly change the subject. Its for his own good. His 16 year old self will be thanking me someday for keeping these stories (relatively) to myself.


SarahPyrah said...

Hudson is getting figured out...and those other kids couldn't find their way out of a cardboard box. seriously, how hard it is to run?
So when Hudson is calculating the arch of or speed of his stream by period intervals of interruption ( even I don't know what I am talking about now..) or teaching himself about sound waves in the toilet bowl, celebrate! Brag! and rub his pee pee in their faces!

Luv2Fish said...

Sarah and I were commenting tonight about how Jacob will turn out. I was laughing with a colleague the other day about kids. One day when I was home with Jacob, he came around the corner and on his shirt and hands I could see something that looked like he got into some fudge wasn't cookie. :)