Thursday, November 6, 2008

Milwaukee, WI

1. Very Cold
2. has great beer (I hear)
3. Kurt and Lynda Pyrah will be headed there to serve a mission.

For those who had not heard, Chris' folks had submitted their mission papers 5 weeks ago. Ironically, it was about the same time Chris' dad had his heart attacks. But it doesn't look like there will be any residual worry about Kurt's heart and they will be entering the MTC on Dec 1.

They are planning to take "flat" portraits of each grandkid to take pictures and tell stories of the adventures they have with the flat- grandkids on their mission. For those who don't have a clue what I am talking about, a "flat" portrait is a life size butcher paper cut of yourself and a photo for the head. Flat-Emily, Flat-Morgan, and Flat-Jacob are excited to head to Wisconsin too!


heatlight said...

Are these like Flat Stanley's? Are they going to take into consideration the growth spurts of their grandchildren? Are you going to send them updated every few months?

jessica said...

Oh the places they'll go! They should add on at the leg part. You can just send them tracings from the knee down every few months.

muffins said...

i did flat stanleys in first grade i was supposed to send him to people in the mail he ended up on top of my fridge for two years instead