Tuesday, July 8, 2008

retired, released, and rehired

Nancy told me it was my job to tell everyone about this hare-brained adventure because everyone thinks I'm going through some mid-life crisis. I could tell from the look on Jake's face when I told him our plans that he thought I was crazy or something weird was happening between Nancy and I. So, if Sarah doesn't mind I'll steal a little space on Sarah's Blattfam.

I just accepted a job today in Pinedale, Wyoming. We drove up there for an interview on Monday and Nancy wasn't much impressed with Pinedale but I thought I had died and gone to heaven. The town is something like Taylor, Arizona, put high up in the mountains. It has a nice little high school of about 350 students. Classes are very small. My physics class will have between 4 and 8 students. The pay is very good and the district provides insurance for both of us.

Nancy will stay here for the time being and I'll drive back here as often as possible. She's a little nervous about another hair-brained adventure but we'll take it as it comes.

1. Are you splitting up or planning to announce something weird?
As Big Bill Clinton would say, "Define weird." Just kidding.
Nancy and I have never been more in love than we are now. We are going to find it very difficult to be separated weeks at a time. I am temporarily working in another town. It just happens to be in another state and a 9 hour drive away.
2. Is this a mid-life crisis?
Thank you, I hope so. That would put our longevity at about 116 years.
3. Why are you doing this?
I suppose we all work for money. Beyond that it is a very sweet job in a beautiful location. And even further beyond, if Nancy and I want to serve a mission, travel to see our kids, and live it up in our declining years we need some more cash. Wyoming is offering cash without state income tax.
4. Can we still come for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and any time we want?
It depends on what goodies you are bringing.
5. How about Cousin's camp?
We may say mean things to our children but there's no joking about the grandbabies. Cousin's camp will be on the calendar just as soon as State Farm sends it out.


willblatt said...

makes more sense now. Still weird but understood.

katblat said...

WOW!! You did it. Congratulations! I wish you nothing but the best. Nancy too! It is hard to be the one who stays behind. I know you two will make the most of your weekends together. Good luck!

Kat, in Sweden.....day one!

Guano & Associates said...

The FAQ sounded VERY defensive! I'm sure it will be great and it will be an adventure. With you not there in Wmca to say no, Mom may end up booking a lot more flights around the world to see the kids!

Our best wishes and enjoy the new chapter of work life.

heatlight said...

Our guest bedroom is always open, Mom. Nothing like scenic Dayton to take away the loneliness.

Heather's Pink said...

I never knew dad could be quite so funny. I am worried about mom being alone. Who gets the dog?

Any bets that Larry cries himself to sleep each night know his hunting buddy has gone to heaven (Pinedale).

Best wishes.

willblatt said...

Uhm, so which place do we call for money?