Sunday, July 13, 2008

New Contact Info

Now that we're settled in, here's our updated contact info:

Matt & Kathy Blattman
Skogsbrynet 10
97 596 LuleƄ
We installed an internet phone with a Texas phone number:
Just dial like you would as if we were in Texas!


Heather's Pink said...

It is beautiful! Are you adjusting? We miss you already, but are excited about your Texas phone number. We might actually call you:)

SarahPyrah said...

what is the time difference? I would just love to call you around 2am :)

Guano & Associates said...

well, since we sleep downstairs and the phone is upstairs, chances are that we wouldn't hear it ring at 2am. BTW, it's a 9-hour difference between Winnemucca/Reno and Lulea!