Sunday, April 24, 2011

Apri l 12 -24

Elder and Sister Blattman’s Missionary Weekly Journal
April 12 - 24

We are having challenges keeping up with our journaling. Sorry, for two people with so little to do it takes us a long time to get it all done.
Dan, Kim, Henry, and Synnova came to see us last week for three days. We got a substitute for one of our classes and took some time off from our monastic pursuits to see the patriotic and historic sites of Philadelphia. We went to Valley Forge, Independence Mall, the Natural History Museum, and we saw Rodin’s “The Thinker”, and we had a quick tour of the Bryn Athyn Cathedral. We did a lot of walking. Synnova and Henry were good sports. They liked the Natural History Museum and riding the train into town the best.

Christ Church – Founded 1695

Synnova Bell Blattman and the Liberty Bell

Carriage Ride on a slow horse through town

Cannon at Valley Forge

Proof that Tyrannosaurus’ were female

George Washington’s head quarters

The original Rodin sculpture

William Penn, George Washington, and Nancy

Rocky Balboa Blattman

He’s clearly the brains behind this outfit

1 comment:

jessica said...

You guys got to see some wonderful sites!