Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Top ten list - my kids

I thought it would be fun to do a list here and share. Then each of you could respond and share a similar list. I think it is fun when we share unique stuff and thought, heaven know we have our fair share.

Tag!! You're It!

Things I love about my kids:
10. They do know how to clean their room. Knowledge is power.
9. They know how to ride a bike, and not afraid to go out and ride - biker chicks rock.
8. My girls both say they want to grow up to be mommys and Jakey likes to pretend to be a daddy giving piggy back rides to his stuffed bear.
7. They ALL run to the door when daddy comes home - "I'm so glad when Daddy comes home..."
6. They love their Nana, Papa, Grandma and Grandpas.
5. They love to get mail and would rather get mail than email.
4. They all can say "I love you" and not just to me.
3. They all love Primary. And they sing the primary songs in the car. I love that I can turn off the radio and hear them singing such special words.
2. They all can imagine and play...pots and pans with water are gourment meals, laundry baskets are zoo cages, and blankes and pillows make forts.
1. I see a little glimmer of heaven when I look in their eyes and we are all there together.


jessica said...

It is amazing how much the small things seem to be the important things in life...I guess that makes them the big things in disguise.

Heather's Pink said...

10. Sister's carefree style
9. Brother's love for life (and Cocoa Pebbles)
8. 2 year old prayers
7. 7 year old wisdom, "from the mouth of babes"
6. Brother's song he sings when eating (especially Cocoa Pebbles)
5. Sister's wildness that comes out when she is outside climbing trees, and smearing mud on herself
4. Their creativity
3. Watching them learn and explore
2. They make me laugh
1. Hugs and kisses