Chris is working alot, inventory is due. I made bread and it turned out. Emily exclaimed "I can't help it that I am mean, you made me that way." I need to sign up for parently classes and anger management. Morgan found her voice in karate and scared the other little girl she was practicing with. Jacob is sick again, and learned how to blow his nose. He also believes the toilet is the trash can and flushes bits of paper down.
Listened to a good talk today in Sacrament meeting about being nuturing and it wasn't the same old talk. I really enjoyed it and decided that I need to get off my hinnie.
Had Mom over this weekend and it was fun to laugh, especially at the lingerie in the $1 store. Will wonders never cease?
Poor Jakey!! We hope he feels better. He must have Will tendencies if he is flushing things down the toilet. I am sure it is more amusing to dispose of things that way!
Update on Kim...made bread and it did not turn out. What is your secret? Mine tastes great, but is flat.
I posted the recipe I used. It turned out good the first time, so i made again today to make sure it wasn't a fluke. It seems pretty easy. One thing I did do was turn up the heat in our house to make sure the yeast would rise. We usually have our thermastate low, so maybe that is why my bread didn't rise before.
Thanks for the recipe and tips! I will let you know how it turns out.
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