Tuesday, October 21, 2008

heather and I or is it me and heather

heather and I are working on a new business idea...
I am still nervous to tell people about it in case I (more I than heather) turn out to be a failure...

I guess we should start telling people though, if word of mouth is going to be our biggest form of marketing.

HERE IS A HINT, see if you can guess:


willblatt said...

Air filters?

SarahPyrah said...

nope, keep guessin

Heather's Pink said...


heatlight said...

It's "Heather and I". Looks like I'll be CEO over grammar.

jessica said...

creating material patterns and kids' clothing

SarahPyrah said...

Dan and Kim are right!

Heather's Pink said...

A little mouse told us. Enjoy your frosting fights!

willblatt said...

Why would you put cupcakes in air filters? :)

SarahPyrah said...

@ Will, I could tell you but then i would have to kill you. code of the cupcake mafia