Monday, June 2, 2008

Important Health News


Since this is a genetic disorder that affects everyone in our family, could you post it on the blog for me please.I haven't been feeling well lately and went to see the doc who then sent me to a specialist. After an afternoon of blood samples, pokes, prods and tests he came back with a diagnosis. It wasn't good. I have some genetic disorder ( I couldn't pronounce the name) that causes veins to come to the surface of the skin and then additional thinning of the dermis layers. Much like the varicose veins dad had but much worse. They ran a graphical computer simulation of how it will affect me in the next years. Attached is the computer generated print out of 6 months and 1 year into the disease . For the Blattman spouses, you should all hep your loved one watch out for the symptoms as they can come on suddenly.

Love you all


At 6 months

at 12 Months

1 comment:

heatlight said...

You mean we lose what little chins we have too?! It sort of looks like you grew some boobies at 12 months, I might like that part.