Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Ok, does this make me old?

Wandering through the mall on my lunch break today on the way to the food court, I started thinking about how my Christmas' have evolved. Now, this sounds like the start of a "uphill in the snow barefoot both ways" kinda story....but I'm not trying to be. Do you remember:

Fighting over Mom's plastic go-go boots to use as snow boots. They were tall (kept the water out), they had a long zipper on the side (made it easy to put them on and off), and they had a smooth plastic sole on the bottom for sliding down the hills. For my awkwardly shaped feet, they were as close to cowboy boots as I would ever get. If I remember correctly, we all had to fight for them, getting Mom to mediate between boot availability and foot size. I don't know what I'd think right about now if my son wanted to wear his mother's boots to go sledding.


Guano & Associates said...

And of course, the old box, hair-net style hairdryer that smelled like feet because we stuck it in our boots to warm/dry them?

SarahPyrah said...

kids have it so easy these days.

I can remember is sobbing while walkin my paper route cause the snow was up to my knees ( I was probably 4' or less at the time ) and thinking I hated the fact that I had to wear my brothers klunky snow boots with newpaper plastic bags for barrier.
Now my kids whine if it drops below 70 degrees...wimps...

willblatt said...

I still use the newpaper bags in my shoes... just for old times sake

SarahPyrah said...

Do you still also where them on your head from time to time....yeah we all know the picture I am referring to...