Monday, May 26, 2008

New Address

This is the easiest way to post this...

Our new address is:

Matt & Kathy Blattman
Skogsbrynet 10
97596 LuleƄ

Our cell phones will still work for now, we're in the process of getting Swedish cells and then an internet phone number. We'll post that info when we get it.

Kathy's cell

Matt's cell

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Synnova's Input

A lizard bit me today.I called him bad boy.His name is bad boy because he is bad.He is bad boy.He
is sure is bad.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Post Card from Pyramid

These pictures were taken Saturday morning at Pyramid Lake. This occupation has taken up a good portion of my time over the last two months. I thought you might appreciate these pictures, Jim.

Mistaken Identity

So yesterday at church there were some visitors to our ward. They were there for a baby blessing in the Vance family (probably means nothing to most of you). Anyway they were talking in the foyer with me and some other people when one of the Vance sisters introduced me to her other sister. She said to her sister, "You know Dan Blattman, right..." (This is how I am introduced most of the time in Dayton) I know how it bothers Matt to only be known by association of Dan or Joe, but this was great- Her sister said, "No, I don't remember Dan. I only knew his older brother, Dave." "Dave?? There is no Dave," I said. So not only is Matt only known as Dan's brother, but he is also known as "Dave." Funny thing is that this isn't the first time it has happened. So does Matt have a secret identity as Dave???

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Hayden!

Happy Birthday Hayden, sorry these wishes are late!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day
Lots of Love!Here is a short poem for Mother's day.
Mom's Special List
By Emily Pyrah
I love you because I love your Kiss.
I love it when you cook. You don't realize this,
but you sometimes yell at me. I wouldn't ever trade
you for a stuffed bear.
I like it when we go to the movies together.
My favorite things about you is your hug.
I'm sorry if I don't pay attention, I'll try harder.
Your just like a star in the sky. Finally, your special
to me because you're nice.
Love Emily Pyrah

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


well, it has been along afternoon and looks like it will play to be a long night. It doesn't look like I will be able to sleep much.

At about 5pm Jakers had a seizure due to a high fever. The fever was due to his new teeth coming in...his new teeth are due to his geneic disposition to the joy of eating.
I was quick on the draw and called 911. Within 2 minutes Emily had raced to our neighbors house and alerted her and within 5 more the paramedics arrived. The seizure lasted about 1.5 minutes, but felt like forever.
Jacob was running a temp of 105 by the end of the seizure and his heart rate was so high they could not get a count. The paramedics were so kind. They guided me and helped me pack a diaper bag and unload the car seat for the ambulance. They said it was better if I followed in my car. One came back in the house to ask for a favorite stuffed animal for Jakers to take with him in the ambulance. As I was walking out the door, two more RS sisters who live close by poked their heads in and asked if they could help.
(And in the meantime, Morgan had a little friend from school over and his mom was at the door to pick him up. I am sure she will never let him come over again...) Emily and Morgan were sufficiently taken care of by my wonderful neighbor.

On the way to the hospital, I called Chris and that was when my stone solid guard let down and I had to cry a little. Chris was a true patriarch of the family and made sure that priesthood was meeting me at the hospital prepared to give Jakers a blessing. And in true organization, the Priesthood notified the Relief Society of the need for comfort.

We got to the hospital and received the proper attention and medication. By 7pm Jacob was hungry and looking to play. By 9pm his was ready to sleep. All vitals were good and they sent us home with the necessary instructions and precautions.

My heart was so full on the way home. Just two weeks ago I had given a lesson in RS about the organization of the ward family and the covenant we make at baptism to mourn with those that mourn and comfort those in the need of comfort. On the way to the hospital I prayed that someone would feel my need and come to be with me. I was scared and nervous as various scenerios began racing through my head.

Within 30 minutes of arrival at the hospital the Elders Quorum president and my home teacher arrived on errand from my wonderful husband. They administered to Jacob who was still groggy. 30 minutes later the 1st and 2nd counselor of the RS arrived. They stayed for a time until it appeared we would go home.

I didn't need much, just moral support.

I just want to let you all know "the Lord’s organization is fully adequate to know and care for those with even the most dire emotional and spiritual needs. " (Bishop Richard Edgley).
I did not realize at the time why this lesson I had to teach 2 Sundays ago touched me so. I could hardly get through it as I was emotional and because of how strongly the message came. But, tonight I realized the Lord has proven me herewith the truthfulness of this principle.

lots of Love

Cousins Camp

I added the dates to the Calendar!
I was wondering when everyone would be arriving, traveling, etc.

Mom, can you give us some details on what to bring, wear, anticipate?

sounds like it will be lots of fun!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Double Birthday wishes

Happy Birthday to Toni and Jessica!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Now I can afford to drive to work

So I got my annual raise today. It amounts to 5% and $70 each check. I guess now I can afford the gas to drive to work two days a week....
The ability to work from the couch and in my peejays is also a nice bonus.